Zymox Topical CREAM Infection and Wound Care 1 oz. Size:Pack of 2
Recommended for use on wounds and the most troublesome skin infections.
BACTERIALSurface Infections:
Pyotraumatic dermatitis hot spots, wet eczema, acute moist pyoderma Body fold pyoderma
Superficial Infections:
Impetigo Superficial and generalized pyoderma Staphyococcus ssp (including MRSA) Pseudomonas ssp.
FUNGALSuperficial Mycoses:
Microsporum, Trichopyton, Epidermophyton (ringworm)
Malassezia pachydermatis, Candida albicans
- Zymox topical cream 1oz
- Potent and safe treatment for bacterial and fungal and viral infections of cats, dogs
- Aids in the healing of infections